Microsoft Excel Protected View - Enable Editing

Applies to All Excel templates on including: "Georges Budget for Excel", "Georges Excel Checkbook Register", "Georges Excel Checkbook for Mac"

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Why have Excel Protected View?

If an Microsoft Excel file is downloaded from the internet such as via a download link as with digital downloads or as an email attachment, there is the possibility that the Excel file could be a security risk due to a virus or other malware that may be associated with the Excel file. This is a possibility for any Microsoft Office file whether it is and Excel file, Microsoft Word File, or Microsoft PowerPoint file or any file type whether is it and Excel checkbook app template or budget app software.

How to enable editing for Protected View?

Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher includes an additional security feature known as Protected View. If you are using Excel 2010 or higher and Protected view is enabled in the Microsoft Excel settings, when you open an Excel file that was downloaded from the internet, the Excel file will open in read only mode and give you the option to enable the file so you can edit it.

The notification is located under the Ribbon (menu bar) and if you want to have full access to the file features then you have to click "Enable Editing" so that you can use the file. If you do not enable it, then the file features can not be used and you will only have read only access until you enable for editing. The Protected View notification states: Protected View  This file originated from an internet location that may be unsafe. Click for more details.  Enable Editing.

This file originated from an internet location that may be unsafe - Excel Protected view enable editing


To see if Protected View is enabled in Excel so that it will notify when you download a file from the internet, click the File Tab in the upper left hand corner. Then click Options. Then click Trust Center. Then click Trust Center Settings.  Then click Protect View and you will be able to see if you have enabled the Protected View setting. Please note that by disabling Protected View, you could be exposing your computer to possible security threats.

Microsoft Excel protected view enable disable settings


The Excel Protected View feature of Microsoft office is not antivirus software. You should have antivirus software such are Avast antivirus, McAfee antitrust, or Norton antivirus that will also scan any files for viruses and malware that are downloaded from the internet or as an email attached whether the file are from known sources for unknown sources.

All Excel files purchased on have been scanned for viruses prior to being made available for purchase and download. However, if you have enabled Protected View in your Excel settings, since you are downloading these files from the internet, you will receive the Protected View security notification and will need to click the "Enabled Editing" button in order to use the Excel files when you open them after downloaded whether its is the excel checkbook software or Excel calendar template.  Also, enabling editing in protected view is in addition to enabling macros for those Excel templates that have macros in them.



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